Friday 16 August 2013

Free Traffic; Learn What's Possible and Use it
Free Traffic; Learn What's Possible and Use it
Some people in IM have made their fortunes based entirely on free traffic strategies, so that means it's really worth taking a closer look at. How badly you want to take advantage of this depends on what you're willing to do. You can look at just about all the methods and find something you like, so it can be a good investment. Free traffic is something worth using and it can go quite well with anything else you're currently using.

PDF reports are still powerful today in 2012, and that has not changed since they were invented in the 1990s. This is just doing things the way they were done a long time ago, and this still works if you have an ebook in a popular niche. If you do things the right way and use Amazon, you can get a huge amount of traffic if you understand how to market there. Take your time with formatting ( and do that properly) and then get an experienced graphics person for the ebook cover. Get in the habit of taking your blog feed around the net and submitting to RSS directories. Most IM marketers never even think about how much they can leverage their own RSS feeds which is amazing. Free traffic is so killer because you'll find all these unusual non-mainstream places and tactics to use. Promote and market your RSS feed on your business blog because your feeds should be worth the time. Feeds are very convenient for many people, and that is why this technique can provide some value to your tool chest of free traffic methods.

Concerted effort over time is what's needed for your podcasts, and hopefully you're creating them. You have some versatility with podcasts, and one example is placing them in relevant directories explicitly for them. Be sure you advertise or market them on your site, and that means making them visible and encouraging people to listen to them. Put them on as many podcast directories as possible because people do use those sites. Free traffic is really terrific, but you will have to do your part to make it happen. It's a myth that you just make your site and visitors start appearing on their own. So pick several and then work hard to make them do something for you, and then scale up and find more methods.

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